Showing 76 - 100 of 30,047 Results
French Student's Vade-Mecum : Or, a view of the French personal pronouns, shewing at sight t... by Perrin, Jean Baptiste ISBN: 9781171035398 List Price: $15.75
Historical Dissertation on a Particular Species of Gangrenous Sore Throat, Which Reigned the... by Chomel, Jean-Baptiste-Louis ISBN: 9781171472476 List Price: $21.75
Antiquite Geographique de L' Inde et de Plusieurs Autres Contrees de la Haute Asie by D'Anville, Jean-Baptiste Bo... ISBN: 9781165311200 List Price: $22.36
Britannicus (Ldp Theatre) (French Edition) by Jean Baptiste Racine, Racine ISBN: 9782253037958 List Price: $9.95
Guide Ascétique : Ou, Conduite de l'âme par les voies ordinaires de la grace à la perfection... by Scaramelli, Giovanni Battis... ISBN: 9781175975027 List Price: $37.75
Helmina D'Heidelberg; Ou, L'Innocente Coupable; Mélodrame en Trois Actes, À Grand Spectacle ... by Hapdé, Jean Baptiste Augustin ISBN: 9781176067691 List Price: $17.75
Extract of the Life of Monsieur de Renty, a Late Nobleman of France Publishedby John Wesley,... by Saint-Jure, Jean-Baptiste ISBN: 9781170002001 List Price: $18.75
an Extract of the Life of Monsieur de Renty, a Late Nobleman of France by John Wesley by Saint-Jure, Jean-Baptiste ISBN: 9781170002018 List Price: $17.75
Défense de L'Ordre Social Contre les Principes de la Révolution Française Par M L'Abbé D V V... by Duvoisin, Jean-Baptiste ISBN: 9781170024560 List Price: $34.75
Grammar of the French Tongue, Grounded upon the Decisions of the French Academy, Wherein All... by Perrin, Jean Baptiste ISBN: 9781170031254 List Price: $33.75
Life and Adventures of the Chevalier de Faublas; Including a Variety of Anecdotes Relative t... by De Couvray, Jean-Baptiste L... ISBN: 9781170088197 List Price: $32.75
Life and Adventures of the Chevalier de Faublas; Including a Variety of Anecdotes Relative t... by De Couvray, Jean-Baptiste L... ISBN: 9781170088203 List Price: $30.75
Defence of F John Baptist Girard, Jesuit, and Rector of the Royal Seminary of Chaplains of t... by Girard, Jean Baptiste ISBN: 9781170115039 List Price: $15.75
Sermons on the Duties of the Great, Translated from the French of M Massillon, by William Dodd by Massillon, Jean-Baptiste ISBN: 9781171170167 List Price: $27.75
De la Transplantation, de la Naturalisation, et du Perfectionnement des Végétaux by Louis, Jean Baptiste ISBN: 9781171372363 List Price: $17.75
Travels in Kamtschatka, During the Years 1787 and 1788 Translated from the French of M de Le... by Barthelemy, Jean Baptiste ISBN: 9781171363354 List Price: $35.75
Dispute entre Mr. Renoult et un missionaire papiste, sur le retranchement de la coupe (1698)... by Renoult, Jean Baptiste ISBN: 9781171290858 List Price: $17.75
Geographical Illustration of the Map of India with Some Explanatory Notes and Remarks, by Wi... by Anville, Jean Baptiste Bour... ISBN: 9781140687801 List Price: $19.75
Sentimental Letters on Italy; Written in French by President Dupaty, in 1785 Published at Ro... by Dupaty, Charles-Marguerite-... ISBN: 9781140732594 List Price: $27.75
Colbert Jean-Baptiste by Trout, Andrew ISBN: 9780805777154 List Price: $16.50
Architectural Drawings of Henri Sauvage The Works of an Architect-Decorator in the Collectio... by Institut Francais d'Archite... ISBN: 9780815307556 List Price: $370.00
Travels in India: Jean-Baptiste Tavernier by Ball, V., Crooke, William ISBN: 9788121506823
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